Background moutain Attolight

Hybridized SEM – Spectroscopic Platform

  • SEM – Quantitative Cathodoluminescence (qCL)
  • Spectroscopic Analysis (Photoluminescence, Raman, …)
  • Time-resolved measurements (TRCL, TRPL, g², …)
  • Electrical Measurements (EBIC/EBAC)
  • Room to low-temperature analyses (<10K)
  • Cryo-compatible Nanoprobes
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About our Hybridized SEM – Spectroscopic Platform

The Allalin is a nanometer-resolution SEM-spectroscopic instrument featuring a unique optical collection objective integrated within the SEM column, which allows for robust and repeatable measurements, enabling quantitative cathodoluminescence (qCL) analysis.

One Platform, Multiple Measurement Possibilities

The Allalin platform supports a wide range of spectroscopic analysis techniques, utilizing multiple sources (electron beam or laser, in continuous or pulsed mode) and various detectors (SE detector, PMT, CCD/Streak cameras, InGaAs/TCSPC/HPD detectors).

The system can also be equipped with options like in-SEM electrical probing, Raman spectroscopy, Photoluminescence, and HBT setup for g(2) autocorrelation measurement.

Different stage options are available to accommodate samples as small as a few micrometers to wafers up to 6 inches.

Finally, spectroscopic analyses can be conducted at temperatures ranging from 10 K to 320 K, thanks to an integrated helium cryostat and a unique hexapod-based stage design, which ensures high stability and very low drift (<5 nm/min).

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Trusted by top semiconductor companies and prestigious research institutes worldwide


Related Applications Using the Allalin Platform

Discover how the Allalin platform can support your research.

Scientific references

Optical properties and carrier dynamics in Co-doped ZnO nanorods A. K. Sivan, A. Galan-Gonzalez, L. Di Mario, N. Tappy, J. Hernandez-Ferrer, D. Catone, S. Turchini, A. M. Benito, W. K. Maser, S. Escobar Steinvall, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, A. Gallant, D. A. Zeze, D. Atkinson, F. Martelli Nanoscale Advances, 2021, vol. 3, p. 214-222 2021
Point Defects in InGaN/GaN Core–Shell Nanorods: Role of the Regrowth Interface LOETO, K., KUSCH, G., COULON, P.-M., FAIRCLIOUGH, S. M., LE BOULBAR, E., GIRGEL, I., SHIELDS, P. A., OLIVER, R. A. Nano Express, 2021, vol. 2, p. 014005 2021
Quantitative Assessment of Carrier Density by Cathodoluminescence. II. GaAs Nanowires CHEN, H.-L., DE LEPINAU, R., SCACCABAROZZI, A., OEHLER, F., HARMAND, J.-C., CATTONI, A., COLLINS, S. Physical Review Applied, 2021, vol. 15, p. 024007 2021
Quantitative Assessment of Carrier Density by Cathodoluminescence. I. GaAs Thin Films and Modeling CHEN, H.-L., SCACCABAROZZI, A., DE LEPINAU, R., OEHLER, F., LEMAITRE, A., HARMAND, J.-C., CATTONI, A., COLLINS, S. Physical Review Applied, 2021, vol. 15, p. 024006 2021

Scientific references

Nanometer-Scale Monitoring of Quantum-Confined Stark Effect and Emission Efficiency Droop in Multiple GaN/AlN Quantum Disks in Nanowire ZAGONEL, L. F., TIZEI, L. H. G., VITIELLO, G. Z., JACOPIN, G., RIGUTTI, L., TCHERNYCHEVA, M., JULIEN, F. H., SONGMUANG, R., OSTASEVICIUS, T., DE LA PEÑA, F., DUCATI, C., MIDGLEY, P. A., KOCIACK, M. Physical Review B, 2016, 93, 205410 2016
Simultaneous Cathodoluminescence and Electron Microscopy Cytometry of Cellular Vesicles Labeled with Fluorescent Nanodiamonds NAGARAJAN, S., PIOCHE-DURIEU, C., TIZEI, L. H. G., FANG, C.-Y., BERTRAND, J.-R., LE CAM, E., CHANG, H.-C., TREUSSTART, F., KOCIACK, M. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 11588 2016
Structure and Luminescence in Long Persistence Eu, Dy, and B Codoped Strontium Aluminate Phosphors: The Boron Effect AKMEHMET, G. I., ŠTURM, S., BOCHER, L., KOCIACK, M., AMBROŽIČ, B., OW-YANG, C. W. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2016, 99, 2175–2180 2016
Bright UV Single Photon Emission at Point Defects in h-BN BOURRELLIER, R., MEURET, S., TARARAN, A., STÉPHAN, O., KOCIACK, M., TIZEI, L. H. G., ZOBELLI, A. Nano Letters, 2016, 16, 4317–4321 2016

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