Hybridized SEM – Spectroscopic Platform
- SEM – Quantitative Cathodoluminescence (qCL)
- Spectroscopic Analysis (Photoluminescence, Raman, …)
- Time-resolved measurements (TRCL, TRPL, g², …)
- Electrical Measurements (EBIC/EBAC)
- Room to low-temperature analyses (<10K)
- Cryo-compatible Nanoprobes

About our Hybridized SEM – Spectroscopic Platform
The Allalin is a nanometer-resolution SEM-spectroscopic instrument featuring a unique optical collection objective integrated within the SEM column, which allows for robust and repeatable measurements, enabling quantitative cathodoluminescence (qCL) analysis.
One Platform, Multiple Measurement Possibilities
The Allalin platform supports a wide range of spectroscopic analysis techniques, utilizing multiple sources (electron beam or laser, in continuous or pulsed mode) and various detectors (SE detector, PMT, CCD/Streak cameras, InGaAs/TCSPC/HPD detectors).
The system can also be equipped with options like in-SEM electrical probing, Raman spectroscopy, Photoluminescence, and HBT setup for g(2) autocorrelation measurement.
Different stage options are available to accommodate samples as small as a few micrometers to wafers up to 6 inches.
Finally, spectroscopic analyses can be conducted at temperatures ranging from 10 K to 320 K, thanks to an integrated helium cryostat and a unique hexapod-based stage design, which ensures high stability and very low drift (<5 nm/min).

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Related Applications Using the Allalin Platform
Discover how the Allalin platform can support your research.