Attolight has recently joined the new ALL2GaN project aiming at supporting the European Green Deal challenge. This project will cover the entire vertical value chain of GaN power and RF electronics, from technology, integration and packaging.


Villach May 22, 2023 – To tackle the climate crisis, Infineon in Villach is launching two European research projects with enormous thrust: The “ALL2GaN” project is about easily integrated energy-saving chips made of gallium nitride. They have the potential to improve energy efficiency by 30 percent in a wide range of applications and thus save an extrapolated 218 million tons of CO 2 worldwide. The “AIMS5.0” project focuses on artificial intelligence (AI) to create resource-efficient manufacturing across industries as well as optimize supply chain management in Europe. The projects, worth a total of 130 million euros, bring together 98 partners from 18 countries. Both projects will run for three years and are funded by industry investments, grants from the individual countries involved, and the European Key Digital Technologies research program.

With the “Green Deal”, the European Union has the goal of making the EU the first climate- neutral continent by 2050. To achieve this, smart, low-emission technologies with a digitally strong, competitive and sustainable industry in Europe are needed more than ever. Research and innovation in pacemaker technologies such as power electronics are crucial catalysts in the implementation of the Green Deal.