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Scientific References on Cathodoluminescence

Explore a comprehensive collection of scientific references in the field of cathodoluminescence. These publications highlight the precision and capabilities of Attolight's cutting-edge technology in advancing scientific discovery.

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CVT and PVT growth and characterization of GaS crystals G. Attolini, M. Negri, T. Besagni, B. Pecz, I. Cora Materials Science and Engineering: B, 261, 114623, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
GaS Crystals, CVT Growth, PVT Growth
Effect of Strains and V-Shaped Pit Structures on the Performance of GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes Shuo-Wei Chen, Chia-Jui Chang, Tien-Chang Lu Crystals, 10(4), 311, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Strains, V-Shaped Pit Structures, GaN-Based LEDs
Contactless Investigation of the p-Type Doping Concentration Level of Single Micrometric Size GaAs Crystals Grown on Silicon for Multijunction Solar Cells A. Jaffre, J. Alvarez, H.-L. Chen, H. Makhloufi, C. Renard, F. Loete, S. Collin, J. P. Connolly, J.-P. Kleider, D. Mencaraglia 35th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU-PVSEC), 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
p-Type Doping, GaAs Crystals, Multijunction Solar Cells
Recombination-enhanced dislocation climb in InAs quantum dot lasers on silicon K. Mukherjee, J. Selvidge, D. Jung, et al. Journal of Applied Physics, 128(2), 025703, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Recombination-Enhanced Dislocation, InAs Quantum Dot Lasers
Cathodoluminescence Nanoscopy of 3D Plasmonic Networks R. Ron, M. S. Zielinski, A. Salomon Nano Letters, 20, 11, 8205–8211, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Cathodoluminescence, Plasmonic Networks, Nanoscopy
Cathodoluminescence spatially resolves optical transitions in thick group-III and N-polar InGaN films A. Bansa, J. M. Redwing, Z. Y. Al Balushi Journal of Applied Physics, 128, 175305, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Cathodoluminescence, Optical Transitions, InGaN Films
Impact of electron injection on carrier transport and recombination in unintentionally doped GaN S. Modak, L. Chernyak, M. Xian, F. Ren, S. J. Pearton, S. Khodorov, I. Lubomirsky, Z. Dashevsky Journal of Applied Physics, 128(8), 085702, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Electron Injection, Carrier Transport, GaN
Correlated optical and electrical analyses of inhomogeneous core/shell InGaN/GaN nanowire light emitting diodes H. Zhang, V. Piazza, V. Neplokh, N. Guan, F. Bayle, S. Collin, L. Largeau, A. Babichev, F. H Julien, M. Tchernycheva Nanotechnology, 32, 105202, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Core/Shell, InGaN/GaN, Nanowire LEDs
Heterotwin Zn3P2 superlattice nanowires: the role of indium insertion in the superlattice formation mechanism and their optical properties S. Escobar Steinvall, L. Ghisalberti, R. R. Zamani, N. Tappy, F. S. Hage, E. Stutz, M. Zamani, R. Paul, J.-B. Leran, Q. M. Ramasse, W. C. Carter, A. Fontcuberta i Morral arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.01533, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Zn3P2 Superlattice, Indium Insertion, Optical Properties
Efficient light-emitting diodes from mixed-dimensional perovskites on a fluoride interface B. Zhao, Y. Lian, L. Cui, G. Divitini, G. Kusch, E. Ruggeri, F. Auras, W. Li, D. Yang, B. Zhu, R. A. Oliver, J. L. MacManus-Driscoll, S. D. Stranks, D. Di, R. H. Friend Nature Electronics, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Light-Emitting Diodes, Mixed-Dimensional Perovskites, Fluoride Interface
InGaN Quantum Dots Studied by Correlative Microscopy Techniques for Enhanced Light-Emitting Diodes I. Dimkou, E. Di Russo, P. Dalapati, J. Houard, N. Rochat, D. Cooper, E. Bellet-Amarlic, A. Grenier, E. Monroy, L. Rigutti ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3, 10, 10133–10143, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
InGaN Quantum Dots, Microscopy Techniques, Light-Emitting Diodes
Continuous and Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence Studies of Electron Injection Induced Effects in Gallium Nitride S. Modak, L. Chernyak, I. Lubomirsky, S. Khodorov In: Palestini C. (eds), Advanced Technologies for Security Applications. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, Springer, Dordrecht, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Cathodoluminescence, Electron Injection, Gallium Nitride
Halide Homogenization for High-Performance Blue Perovskite Electroluminescence L. Cheng, C. Yi, Y. Tong, L. Zhu, G. Kusch, X. Wang, T. Jiang, H. Zhang, J. Zhang, C. Xue, H. Chen, W. Xu, D. Liu, R. A. Oliver, R. H. Friend, L. Zhang, N. Wang, W. Huang, J. Wang AAAS Research, 2020, Article ID 9017871 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Halide Homogenization, Blue Perovskite, Electroluminescence
Advances in Cathodoluminescence: Recent steps toward Semiconductor Fabs and FA Labs C. Monachon, M. Davies, ADFAAO Compound Semiconductor, 2020, 4:28-33 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Cathodoluminescence, Semiconductor Fabs, FA Labs
Mechanical stress in InP and GaAs ridges formed by reactive ion etching J. P. Landesman, M. Fouchier, E. Pargon, S. Gerard, N. Rochat, C. Levallois, M. Mokhtari, P. Pagnod-Rossiaux, F. Laruelle, C. Petit-Etienne, M. Bettiati, J. Jimenez, D. T. Cassidy Journal of Applied Physics, 128(22), 225705, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Degree of Polarization (DoP)
Mechanical Stress, InP, GaAs, Reactive Ion Etching
Growth and characterisation of earth-abundant semiconductor nanostructures for solar energy harvesting S. R. Escobar Steinvall Thesis No. 8213, EPFL, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Semiconductor Nanostructures, Solar Energy Harvesting
Quantitative Nanoscale Absorption Mapping: A Novel Technique To Probe Optical Absorption of Two-Dimensional Materials Marco Negri, Luca Francaviglia, Dumitru Dumcenco, Matteo Bosi, Daniel Kaplan, Venkataraman Swaminathan, Giancarlo Salviati, Andras Kis, Filippo Fabbri, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral Nano Letters, 20, 1, 567-576, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Quantitative Cathodoluminescence
Nanoscale Absorption Mapping, Optical Absorption, Two-Dimensional Materials
Stimulated electron energy loss and gain in an electron microscope without a pulsed electron gun DAS, P., BLazit, J. D., TENCÉ, M., ZAGONEL, L. F., AUAD, Y., LEE, Y., LING, X. Y., LOSQUIN, A., COLLIEX, C., STEPHAN, O., et al. Ultramicroscopy, 2019, Aug; 203:44-51 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Electron energy loss, Electron microscope, Stimulated emission, Pulsed electron gun
III-V Integration on Si(100): Vertical Nanospades L. Güniat, S. Martí-Sánchez, O. Garcia, M. Boscardin, D. Vindice, N. Tappy, M. Friedl, W. Kim, M. Zamani, L. Francaviglia, A. Balgarkashi, J.-B. Leran, J. Arbiol, A. Fontcuberta i Morral ACS Nano, 13, 55833-5840, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
III-V Integration, Si(100), Vertical Nanospades
Polarized cathodoluminescence for strain measurement M. Fouchier, N. Rochat, E. Pargon, J. P. Landesman Rev. Sci. Instrum., 90, 043701, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Polarized Cathodoluminescence, Strain Measurement
Growth and characterization of β-Ga2O3 thin films on different substrates S. J. Hao, M. Hetzl, F. Schuster, K. Danielewicz, A. Bergmaier, G. Dollinger, Q. L. Sai, C. T. Xia, T. Hoffmann, M. Wiesinger, S. Matich, W. Aigner, M. Stutzmann J. Appl. Phys., 125, 105701, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
β-Ga2O3 Thin Films, Substrate Characterization
Correlated optical and structural analyses of individual GaAsP/GaP core-shell nanowires C. Himwas, S. Collin, H.-L. Chen, G. Patriarche, F. Oehler, L. Travers, O. Saket, F. H. Julien, J.-C. Harmand, M. Tchernycheva Nanotechnology, 30, 304001, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
GaAsP/GaP Nanowires, Core-Shell, Optical and Structural Analyses
Optical and structural properties of dislocations in InGaN F.C-P. Massabuau, M.K. Horton, E. Pearce, S. Hammersley, P. Chen, M.S. Zielinski, T.F.K. Weatherley, G. Divitini, P.R. Edwards, M.J. Kappers, C. McAleese, M.A. Moram, C.J. Humphreys, P. Dawson, R.A. Oliver Journal of Applied Physics, 125, 165701, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Dislocations, InGaN, Optical and Structural Properties
Far-Field Radiation of Three-Dimensional Plasmonic Gold Tapers near Apexes GUO, S., TALEBI, N., CAMPOS, A., SIGLE, W., ESMANN, M., BECKER, S. F., LIENAU, C., KOCIACK, M., VAN AKEN, P. ACS Photonics, 2019, 6, 10, 2509-2516 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Plasmonic excitation, Gold tapers, Far-field radiation, Apexes
Tuning adatom mobility and nanoscale segregation by twin formation and polytypism Luca Francaviglia, Gözde Tütüncüoglu, Federico Matteini, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral Nanotechnology, 30, 054006, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Adatom Mobility, Nanoscale Segregation, Twin Formation
Non-radiative recombination at dislocations in InAs quantum dots grown on silicon Jennifer Selvidge, Justin Norman, Michael E. Salmon, Eamonn T. Hughes, John E. Bowers, Robert Herrick, Kunal Mukherjee Appl. Phys. Lett., 115, 131102, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Non-radiative Recombination, InAs Quantum Dots, Silicon
Single-Crystalline γ-Ga2S3 Nanotubes via Epitaxial Conversion of GaAs Nanowires Eli Sutter, Jacob S. French, Akshay Balgarkashi, Nicolas Tappy, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Juan Carlos Idrobo, Peter Sutter Nano Lett., 19, 12, 8903–8910, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
γ-Ga2S3 Nanotubes, Epitaxial Conversion, GaAs Nanowires
Nanoporous Metallic Network as a Large-Scale 3D Source of Second Harmonic Light Racheli Ron, Omer Shavit, Hannah Aharon, Marcin Zielinski, Matan Galanty, Adi Salomon Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Nanoporous Metallic Network, Second Harmonic Light
GaAs (111) epilayers grown by MBE on Ge (111): twin reduction and polarity D. Pelati, G. Patriarche, O. Mauguin, L. Largeau, L. Travers, F. Brisset, F. Glas, F. Oehler Journal of Crystal Growth, 519, 84-90, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
GaAs Epilayers, MBE Growth, Twin Reduction
Planck’s generalised radiation law and its implications for cathodoluminescence spectra B.G. Mendis Ultramicroscopy, 204, 73–80, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Planck’s Radiation Law, Cathodoluminescence Spectra
Electroluminescence of Single InGaN/GaN Micropyramids Babichev, A.V., Denisov, D.V., Lavenus, P. et al. Opt. Spectrosc., 126, 118, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Electroluminescence, InGaN/GaN Micropyramids
Increasing N content in GaNAsP nanowires suppresses the impact of polytypism on luminescence Mattias Jansson, Luca Francaviglia, Rui La, Roman Balagula, Jan E. Stehr, Charles W. Tu, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Weimin M. Chen, Irina A. Buyanova Nanotechnologies, 30, 405703, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
GaNAsP Nanowires, Polytypism, Luminescence
Quantitative intrinsic auto-cathodoluminescence can resolve spectral signatures of tissue-isolated collagen extracellular matrix M.S. Zielinski, E. Vardar, G. Vythilingam, E-M. Engelhardt, J. A. Hubbell, P. Frey, H. M. Larsson Nature Communications Biology, 2:69, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Quantitative Cathodoluminescence
Auto-Cathodoluminescence, Collagen Extracellular Matrix
Quantitative Assessment of Carrier Density by Cathodoluminescence (1): GaAs thin films and modeling Hung-Ling Chen, Andrea Scaccabarozzi, Romaric De Lepinau, Fabrice Oehler, Aristide Lemaître, Jean-Christophe Harmand, Andrea Cattoni, Stephane Collin Condensed Matter, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Quantitative Cathodoluminescence
Carrier Density, GaAs Thin Films, Cathodoluminescence
Investigation of GaN Nanowires Containing AlN/GaN Multiple Quantum Discs by EBIC and CL techniques V. Piazza, A.V. Babichev, L. Mancini, M. Morassi, P. Quach, F. Bayle, L. Largeau, F. H. Julien, P. Rale, S. Collin, J-C. Harmand, N. Gogneau, M. Tchernycheva Nanotechnology, 30, 214006, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
EBIC/EBAC imaging
GaN Nanowires, AlN/GaN Quantum Discs, EBIC, CL Techniques
Visualization of Plasmon-Induced Hot Electrons by Scanning Electron Microscopy Elad Segal, Matan Galanty, Hannah Aharon, Adi Salomon J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 50, 30528–30535, 2019 2019
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Plasmon-Induced Hot Electrons, Scanning Electron Microscopy
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About Cathodoluminescence

Attolight’s technology is based on cathodoluminescence spectroscopy technology. Cathodoluminescence (CL) is a well known phenomenon that refers to the light emitted by any material under electron irradiation. The best known cathodoluminescence application is former television sets based on cathode ray tubes. CL becomes a very powerful defect inspection method when implemented in a modern electron microscope (EM) that is capable of fast, non-destructive defect inspection on a full wafer scale. Although cathodoluminescence has been known for a long time, technical implementations have been limited to manual laboratory use.

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