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Scientific References on Cathodoluminescence

Explore a comprehensive collection of scientific references in the field of cathodoluminescence. These publications highlight the precision and capabilities of Attolight's cutting-edge technology in advancing scientific discovery.

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Image shift correction, noise analysis, and model fitting of cathodoluminescence hyperspectral maps TAPPY, Nicolas, FONTCUBERTA I MORRAL, Anna, et MONACHON, Christian Review of Scientific Instruments, 2022, vol. 93, no 5, p. 053702 2022
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Cathodoluminescence, Hyperspectral maps, Image correction
Understanding the Role of Grain Boundaries on Charge-Carrier and Ion Transport in Cs2AgBiBr6 Thin Films Li, Z., Senanayak, S. P., Dai, L., Kusch, G., Shivanna, R., Zhang, Y., Pradhan, D., Ye, J., Huang, Y.-T., Sirringhaus, H., Oliver, R. A., Greenham, N. C., Friend, R. H., Hoye, R. L. Z. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 2104981 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Grain Boundaries, Charge-Carrier Transport, Cs2AgBiBr6
Combining in situ micro-photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence to understand defects photophysics in nanodiamonds BONNET, Noemie, TREUSSART, Francois, CHANG, Huan, et al. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2021, vol. 27, no S1, p. 2104-2106 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Nanodiamonds, Defects, Photophysics, Micro-photoluminescence, Cathodoluminescence
Unveiling nanoscale optical and structural properties of TMD monolayers using combined electron spectroscopies BONNET, Noemie, LEE, Hae Yeon, FUHUI, S. H. A. O., et al. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2021, vol. 27, no S1, p. 124-127 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
TMD monolayers, Optical properties, Structural properties, Electron spectroscopies
Liquid-phase sintering of lead halide perovskites and metal-organic framework glasses Hou J, Chen P, Shukla A, Krajnc A, Wang T, Li X, Doasa R, Tizei LHG, Chan B, Johnstone DN, Lin R, Schülli TU, Martens I, Appadoo D, Ari MS, Wang Z, Wei T, Lo SC, Lu M, Li S, Namdas EB, Mali G, Cheetham AK, Collins SM, Chen V, Wang L, Bennett TD Science, 2021 Oct 29;374(6567):621-625 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Lead halide perovskites, Metal-organic frameworks, Sintering
Investigation of sidewall damage induced by reactive ion etching on AlGaInP MESA for micro-LED application BOUSSADI, Y., ROCHAT, N., BARNES, J.-P., BEN BAKIR, B., FERRANDIS, P., MASENELLI, B., LICITRA, C. Journal of Luminescence, 2021, 117937 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Sidewall Damage, Reactive Ion Etching, AlGaInP MESA, Micro-LED
Nanoscale modification of WS2 trion emission by its local electromagnetic environment BONNET, N., LEE, H.Y., SHAO, F., WOO, S.Y., BLAZIT, J.-D., WATANABE, K., TANIGUCHI, T., ZOBELLI, A., STEPHAN, O., KOCIACK, M., GRADECAK-GARAJ, S., TIZEI, L.H.G. Nano Lett., 2021, 21, 24, 10178–10185 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
WS2, Trion emission, Electromagnetic environment, Nanoscale modification
Anisotropic and low damage III-V/Ge heterostructure etching for multijunction solar cell fabrication with passivated sidewalls DE LAFONTAINE, M., PARGON, E., GAY, G., PETIT-ETIENNE, C., DAVID, S., BARNES, J.-P., ROCHAT, N., JAOUAD, A., VOLATIER, M., FAFARD, S., AIMEZ, V., DARNON, M. Micro and Nano Engineering, 2021, 100083 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
III-V/Ge Heterostructure, Multijunction Solar Cells, Etching
Observation of Strong Coupling between an Inverse Bowtie Nano-Antenna and a Single J-aggregate WEISSMAN, A., SHUKHAREV, M., SALOMON, A. arXiv preprint, 2021 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Inverse Bowtie Nano-Antenna, Strong Coupling, J-aggregate
Exceeding 200ns Lifetimes in Polycrystalline CdTe Solar Cells ABLEKIM, T., DUENOW, J. N., PERKINS, C. L., MOSELEY, J., ZHENG, X., BIDAUD, T., METZGER, W. K. Solar RRL, 2021 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Polycrystalline CdTe, Solar Cells, Lifetime
Electron beam probing of non-equilibrium carrier dynamics in 18 MeV alpha particle- and 10 MeV proton-irradiated Si-doped β-Ga2O3 Schottky rectifiers MODAK, Sushrut, CHERNYAK, Leonid, SCHULTE, Alfons, et al. Applied Physics Letters, 2021, vol. 118, no. 20, p. 202105 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Non-Equilibrium Carrier Dynamics, Si-doped β-Ga2O3, Schottky Rectifiers
Imaging CdCl2 Defect Passivation and Formation in Polycrystalline CdTe Films by Cathodoluminescence BIDAUD, Thomas, MOSELEY, John, AMARASINGHE, Mahisha, AL-JASSIM, Mowafak, METZGER, Wyatt K., COLLINS, Stephane Physical Review Materials, 2021 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
CdCl2 Defect Passivation, Polycrystalline CdTe, Cathodoluminescence
Using pulsed mode scanning electron microscopy for cathodoluminescence studies on hybrid perovskite films ORRI, J. F., TENNYSON, E. M., KUSCH, G., DIVITINI, G., MACPHERSON, S., OLIVER, R., DUCATI, C., STRANKS, S. Nano Express, 2021 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence
Pulsed Mode Scanning Electron Microscopy, Hybrid Perovskite Films, Cathodoluminescence
Imaging non-radiative point defects buried in quantum wells using cathodoluminescence WEATHERLEY, T. F. K., LIU, W., OSOKIN, V., ALEXANDER, D. T. L., TAYLOR, R. A., CARLIN, J.-F., BUTTE, R., GRANDJEAN, N. Nano Letters, 2021, vol. 21, no. 12, p. 5217-5224 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Non-radiative Point Defects, Quantum Wells, Cathodoluminescence
Light-Emitting V-Pits: An Alternative Approach toward Luminescent Indium-Rich InGaN Quantum Dots CHUNG, Jing-Yang, LI, Zhang, GOODMAN, Sarah A., et al. ACS Photonics, 2021 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Indium-Rich InGaN, Quantum Dots, Luminescent V-Pits
Multi‐Length Scale Structure of 2D/3D Dion–Jacobson Hybrid Perovskites Based on an Aromatic Diammonium Spacer Ummadisingu, Amita, Mishra, Aditya, Kubicki, Dominik J., et al. Small, 2021, p. 2104287 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Dion–Jacobson Perovskites, 2D/3D Structure, Aromatic Diammonium Spacer
Imaging Nonradiative Point Defects Buried in Quantum Wells Using Cathodoluminescence WEATHERLEY, Thomas F. K., LIU, Wei, OSOKIN, Vitaly, ALEXANDER, Duncan T. L., TAYLOR, Robert A., CARLIN, Jean-Francois, BUTTE, Raphael, GRANDJEAN, Nicolas Nano Letters, 2021 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence
Nonradiative Point Defects, Quantum Wells, Cathodoluminescence
A Photonic Atom Probe Analysis of the Effect of Extended and Point Defects on the Luminescence of InGaN/GaN Quantum Dots DIMKOU, I., HOUARD, J., ROCHAT, N., DALAPATI, P., DI RUSSO, E., COOPER, D., GRENIER, A., MONROY, E., RIGUTTI, L. arXiv preprint, 2021 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Photonic Atom Probe, InGaN/GaN Quantum Dots, Defects
Tuning the Structural Isomers of Phenylenediammonium Cations to Afford Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules LIU, Cheng, YANG, Yi, RAKSTYS, Kasparas, et al. Nature Communications, 2021, vol. 12, p. 6394 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Phenylenediammonium Cations, Perovskite Solar Cells, Structural Isomers
Multimodal host–guest complexation for efficient and stable perovskite photovoltaics ZHANG, H., EICKEMEYER, F. T., ZHOU, Z., MLADENOVIC, M., JAHANBAKHSHI, F., MERTEN, L., … & GRATZEL, M. Nature Communications, 2021, vol. 12, p. 1-11 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Host–Guest Complexation, Perovskite Photovoltaics, Stability
Multimicroscopy of cross-section zincblende GaN LED heterostructure DING, Boning, FRENTUP, Martin, FAIRCLOUGH, Simon M., et al. Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, vol. 130, no. 11, p. 115705 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Zincblende GaN, LED Heterostructure, Multimicroscopy
Over 15% efficient wide-band-gap Cu(In,Ga)S2 solar cell: Suppressing bulk and interface recombination through composition engineering SHUKLA, Sudhanshu, SOOD, Mohit, ADELEYE, Damilola, PEEDLE, Sean, KUSCH, Gunnar, DAHLIAH, Diana, MELCHIORRE, Michele, RIGNANESE, Gian-Marco, HAUTIER, Geoffroy, OLIVER, Rachel, SIEBENTRITT, Susanne Joule, 2021, Available online 7 June 2021 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Cu(In,Ga)S2, Solar Cells, Composition Engineering
Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence in an Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscope MEURET, Sophie, TIZEI, L.H.G., HOUDELLIER, F., WEBER, S., AUAD, Y., TENCE, M., CHANG, H.-C., KOCIACK, M., ARBOUET, A. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2021, vol. 119, 062106 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Time-resolved cathodoluminescence, Ultrafast transmission electron microscopy
Temperature dependence of cathodoluminescence emission in irradiated Si-doped β-Ga2O3 MODAK, Sushrut, CHERNYAK, Leonid, SCHULTE, Alfons, et al. AIP Advances, 2021, vol. 11, no. 12, p. 125014 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Cathodoluminescence, Si-doped β-Ga2O3, Irradiation
Optical properties and carrier dynamics in Co-doped ZnO nanorods A. K. Sivan, A. Galan-Gonzalez, L. Di Mario, N. Tappy, J. Hernandez-Ferrer, D. Catone, S. Turchini, A. M. Benito, W. K. Maser, S. Escobar Steinvall, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, A. Gallant, D. A. Zeze, D. Atkinson, F. Martelli Nanoscale Advances, 2021, vol. 3, p. 214-222 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Co-doped ZnO, Nanorods, Carrier Dynamics
Point Defects in InGaN/GaN Core–Shell Nanorods: Role of the Regrowth Interface LOETO, K., KUSCH, G., COULON, P.-M., FAIRCLIOUGH, S. M., LE BOULBAR, E., GIRGEL, I., SHIELDS, P. A., OLIVER, R. A. Nano Express, 2021, vol. 2, p. 014005 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Point Defects, InGaN/GaN Nanorods, Regrowth Interface
Quantitative Assessment of Carrier Density by Cathodoluminescence. II. GaAs Nanowires CHEN, H.-L., DE LEPINAU, R., SCACCABAROZZI, A., OEHLER, F., HARMAND, J.-C., CATTONI, A., COLLINS, S. Physical Review Applied, 2021, vol. 15, p. 024007 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Quantitative Cathodoluminescence
Carrier Density, Cathodoluminescence, GaAs Nanowires
Quantitative Assessment of Carrier Density by Cathodoluminescence. I. GaAs Thin Films and Modeling CHEN, H.-L., SCACCABAROZZI, A., DE LEPINAU, R., OEHLER, F., LEMAITRE, A., HARMAND, J.-C., CATTONI, A., COLLINS, S. Physical Review Applied, 2021, vol. 15, p. 024006 2021
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Quantitative Cathodoluminescence
Carrier Density, Cathodoluminescence, GaAs Thin Films
Investigation of the effect of the doping order in GaN nanowire p-n junctions grown by molecular-beam epitaxy O. Saket, J. Wang, N. Amador-Mendez, M. Morass, A. K. Kunti, F. Bayle, S. Collin, A. Jollivet, A. Babichev, T. Sodhi, J.-C. Harmand, F. Julien, N. Gogneau, M. Tchernycheva Nanotechnology, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Doping Order, GaN Nanowire, p-n Junctions
Probing plasmonic excitation mechanisms and far-field radiation of single-crystalline gold tapers with electrons LINGSTADT, R., TALEBI, N., GUO, S., SIGLE, W., CAMPOS, A., KOCIACK, M., ESMANN, M., BECKER, S. F., OKUNISHI, E., MUKAI, M., LIENAU, C., VAN AKEN, P. A. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 2020, 378, 20190599 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Plasmonic excitation, Far-field radiation, Gold tapers, Single-crystalline
Spatial and spectral dynamics in STEM hyperspectral imaging using random scan patterns ZOBELLI, Alberto, WOO, Steffi Y., TARARAN, Anna, et al. Ultramicroscopy, 2020, vol. 212, p. 112912 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
STEM, Hyperspectral imaging, Random scan patterns, Spatial dynamics, Spectral dynamics
X-Ray Diffraction Micro-Strain Analysis for Extraction of Threading Dislocation Density of GaN Films Grown on Silicon, Sapphire and SiC Substrates Victor Yon, Nevine Rochat, Matthew Charles, Emmanuel Nolot, Patrice Gergaud Physica Status Solidi B, 257: 1900579, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
X-Ray Diffraction, Dislocation Density, GaN Films
Multiple morphologies and functionality of nanowires made from earth-abundant zinc phosphide S. Escobar Steinvall, N. Tappy, M. Ghasemi, R. R. Zamani, T. LaGrange, E. Z. Stutz, J.-B. Leran, M. Zamani, R. Paula, A. Fontcuberta i Morral Nanoscale Horizons, 5, 274, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Zinc Phosphide, Nanowires, Morphologies
Characterization of micro-pixelated InGaP/AlGaInP quantum well structures Y. Boussadi, N. Rochat, J. P. Barnes, B. B. Bakir, P. Ferrandis, B. Masenelli, C. Licitra Light-Emitting Devices, Materials, and Applications XXIV (Vol. 11302, p. 1130221), International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
InGaP/AlGaInP Quantum Wells, Micro-Pixelated Structures
Facet-driven formation of axial and radial In(Ga)As clusters in GaAs nanowires A. Balgarkashi, S. Ramanandan, N. Tappy, W. Kim, L. Guniat, M. Friedl, N. Morgan, D. Dede, J-B. Leran, A. Fontcuberta i Morral Journal of Optics, 22, 084002, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Facet-Driven Formation, In(Ga)As Clusters, GaAs Nanowires
Defect Filtering for Thermal Expansion Induced Dislocations in III-V Lasers on Silicon J. Selvidge, J. Norman, E. T. Hughes, C. Shang, D. Jung, A. A. Taylor, K. Mukherjee arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.06066, 2020 2020
Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
Thermal Expansion, Dislocations, III-V Lasers
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About Cathodoluminescence

Attolight’s technology is based on cathodoluminescence spectroscopy technology. Cathodoluminescence (CL) is a well known phenomenon that refers to the light emitted by any material under electron irradiation. The best known cathodoluminescence application is former television sets based on cathode ray tubes. CL becomes a very powerful defect inspection method when implemented in a modern electron microscope (EM) that is capable of fast, non-destructive defect inspection on a full wafer scale. Although cathodoluminescence has been known for a long time, technical implementations have been limited to manual laboratory use.

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